Plant construction
In the second half of 2019 we have extensively toured in China in order to select our future plant location. Our choice landed on Changshou, Chongqing Province, one of the leading National Industrial Parks in China. Calysseo has received a very warm welcome and CETDA (Development Authorities) have provided extended support to facilitate our project.
We signed an Investment Agreement together
in July 2020 and held a Groundbreaking Ceremony
in December.
Construction permit from local Government was secured in February.
Construction started immediately, but we had to adjust all our organization with COVID affecting all activities.
Construction was achieved on time and on budget thanks to excellent coordination of the extended team between Calysseo and our Engineering partners Black&Veatch from USA & LBT from China. During this exciting journey we all learned a lot about distance management, teleconferencing and … time zone management from California to Europe & China!
Daily discipline in managing COVID rules and overall safety have resulted in a zero accident nor environmental incident project.
Construction was terminated by end of June 2022.

Process engineering
Calysta had previous experience with a small pilot plant in the UK and benefitted from the original concept developed in Norway by duPont & Statoil.
Combined with Adisseo industrial experience, the “Chilli” project capitalized on all these expertise and total support from Black&Veatch and LBT.
Together we constructed the first industrial scale Single Cell Protein plant in the world with a pair of fermenters of 10,000 tonnes/year capacity each.
Sufficient land has been mobilized to allow for future extension of the plant in order to meet customer demand in China.

Chemical plant specialists
A Chinese company, Calysseo Chongqing ltd was formed as a 100% subsidiary of Calysseo ltd.
The company benefitted a lot from the active job market in the area and the availability of chemical
plant specialists ranging from senior manager to operators. This team impressed all observers with
their dedication and performance in particular during the COVID time. All are looking forward for a long
and successful future.

Ensuring total safety of our employees, contractors
and neighbors as well as keeping our environment clean has been at the center of our management.
The project has reached more than 1,5 million of safe hours with zero TRIR through excellent cooperation between all parties.
KDS is applying the high standard of its shareholders and team motivation and discipline is exemplary.
The team is also benefitting from Adisseo Nanjing expertise and support.

Community Support
Calysseo has distributed food supplies to the local community during the COVID period.