Its origin is a methanotrophic bio process
Methylococcus Capsulatus, the bacterial source of FeedKind® is such a non-GMO, naturally occurring bacteria which was originally discovered in water sources in the region of Bath in the UK during Roman time.
FeedKind is a methanotroph i.e. a microorganism which is able to utilize methane as its primary source
of carbon and energy for its development.
They exist in our natural environment and play a vital role in capturing natural methane emission.

Process description
FeedKind manufacturing process relies on a unique horizontal U-loop fermentation unit that produces
a broth which is then dried through several stages
until the FeedKind® powder is produced.

A high protein content product
FeedKind® is a safe, natural and functional product that outperforms traditional animal and plant protein sources. With its high protein content, balanced amino acid profile and low fiber content, it is ideal for use as
a feed ingredient for species across aquaculture, including shrimp, salmon, and warm water carnivorous finfish.
Like other fermented foods, FeedKind® has been shown to offer gut-health benefits such as helping maintain a healthy digestive system. In shrimp feeds, FeedKind® supports a healthy immune system, and FeedKind®-fed shrimps are less susceptible to vibrio,
the cause of Early Mortality Syndrome.

Main application
FeedKind® have an amino-acid profile which makes it particularly attractive for aquaculture (finfish and shrimps) or piglets. It has also demonstrated interesting results in improving gut health through its bacterial nature.

Aquaculture feeds often depend on wild-caught fish to make fishmeal and fish oil, or on extensive farming for soybean meal.10,000 tonnes of FeedKind® is equivalent to replacing 50,000 tonnes of wild-caught fish. FeedKind® protein production uses 90% less blue water than equivalent soy protein or wheat production.
FeedKind production also decouples protein production from an increasing requirement for agricultural land. One FeedKind® plant can produce 100,000 tonnes per year on just ten hectares of developed land compared to needing a quarter of a million hectares of arable land for an equivalent amount of soy protein.